In Wharatakalt, the little class room made of straw, which was vulnerable to sandstorms and where children had neither a table, a bench nor a cafeteria doesn’t exist anymore.

Here is a picture of the school taken in 2006. Straw, children studying on the floor etc.P1000309

Today, the new school is fitted with solar panels, a well for the garden, a dormitory for over 20 students, two showers and toilets. Thanks to theefforts of everyone, it has become a model school in the valley. There are 80 students in the 2 class rooms and there are plans to builniger 055d another room.

The maintenance worker takes care of the schoolyard. He also is in charge of food supplies which are delivered once each quarter. The cook portions out the food for each day so that there will be enough until the next delivery.

Two laptops and a video projector enable the two teachers to use slide shows and videos .

Afterward, we have built 2 toilet blocks (one for girls and one for boys) with 3 showers, 3 washbasins and 3 toilets. A yard faucet allows access to drinking water for the people of the camps around the school.DSCN4284

The Wharatakalt school has become one of the most functional and best equipped.

We want as many students as possible sponsored so they will study longer in the best possible conditions.


If you wish to sponsor a child of the Lago school or a student, please don’t hesitate and contact us at


Reading, counting, writing
Learning of French in a class in the Lago school in Wharatakalt, Niger.
Pictures copyright: Gilles Chappaz, Editing : Jérémie Chenal

Draw me a camel
In the heart of the Lago school in Wharatakalt, we attend a drawing lesson with the children..
Draw me a camel! The camel is a very loyal animal and can not be separated from Tuareg nomads’ way of life. The concentrated expressions of the children.
Pictures copyright: Gilles Chappaz, Editing : Jérémie Chenal

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