Christel Pernet

S-CHAP-NIGER_2447-300x199Christel Pernet has been involved with humanitarian work across Africa for years. She founded the organization Desert Wings or Les Ailes du Desert in 1998 which allowed her to practice her two greatest passions: flying and philanthropy. Christel learned about the hardships of living in the desert and found that most of the difficulties (poor education, lack of food, infant mortality, etc.) stemmed from the scarcity of water.

“The Desert Wells” or “Les Puits Du Desert” was created in 2002 after she was forced to make an emergency landing in the Nigerien desert. Upon landing she was greeted by Mohamed Ixa. “The Lord of the Desert”, a this pivotal chance encounter.

ChristelShe vowed to help Mohamed; however, she insisted that Mohamed create his own organization to ensure any effort would be Nigerien-led. One year later Christel returned and was greeted by Mohamed’s Tidene NGO. As promised, Christel created “the Desert Wells” or “Les Puits Du Desert” to raise financial support for Tidene NGO. Both organizations are recognized by their governments.

Christel, comes from the Haute-Savoie mountain region. She succeeded in mobilizing ski professionals and many other partners. They all regularly help her to support people of North Niger.

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